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GLK Football Club - Years 3-5

This event will take place between 7:45am and 8:40am on 11/09/2023 and on Monday each week thereafter until 16/10/2023.

GLK (UNISEX) Football Club

The before school football club is open to all Year 3-5 pupils on Mondays at 7:45am.  There is a limit of 20 spaces available so booking is essential.  The club costs £2.00 per week, bookings and payment should be made on ParentMail.  Bookings close 3 days in advance of the club.

Your child should arrive at the door to the School Hall (facing the car park) at 7:45am where they will be greeted by the GLK football coach.  Please ensure your child arrives at school dressed in suitable outdoor clothing and trainers/football boots on club days, including waterproofs if necessary.  School uniform and school shoes should be brought to school in a bag for your child to change into after their club.