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EYFS Nativity to parents and carers

This event will take place between 1:00pm and 2:30pm on 05/12/2023 and every 1 day thereafter until 06/12/2023.

The season is nearly upon us and we are busy preparing for our Nursery and Reception Christmas Nativity.  We have chosen the Nativity play ‘Shine Star, Shine’, it is full of Christmas charm and festive songs that our children are looking forward to singing for you.

We will be having two performances on Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th December, both starting at 1:30pm.  Four tickets are available per family, two for each day and these must be booked on ParentMail by Monday 4th December.  We are unable to swap dates or offer any additional tickets.

The event will be held in the school hall, please enter the school via the main entrance and allow time to ‘sign in’ at the school office.  Doors will open at 1:00pm, we politely request that you are signed in and seated for a 1:30pm ‘curtain up’.


You are welcome to enjoy refreshments available from the PTA at 1:00pm before our performance starts at 1:30pm.  All proceeds raised from the refreshment sale go back in to our school community.