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May Day Celebration and PTA Cake Sale

This event will take place between 1:15pm and 3:00pm on 04/05/2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are delighted to say that this year we will be celebrating May Day in school with the hope of it becoming an annual event in our calendar.

Our celebration will start in the afternoon and parents will be admitted to the playground through the small car-park gate at 1:15pm.  Children will be brought to the playground in their classes for a 1:30pm start.  As this is our first event it is difficult to predict precise timings, however each class will perform one dance and we anticipate the event will finish by 2:30pm.

The PTA will be on the playground selling cakes and refreshments throughout the afternoon.

Once our May Day celebration has finished there will be an opportunity to collect your child(ren) from their class.  We will sign them over into your care to either leave school early or stay and enjoy refreshments sold by our PTA.

Children can be collected from their usual external classroom door for up to 10 minutes after the celebration has ended.  It will not be possible for staff to fetch and admit children to the cake sale after this time.  If you do not wish to collect your child after the event, or are unable to attend, they will re-join their class teacher in the classroom and should be collected at the end of the day as usual.

Children should come to school in smart spring clothes.  ALL children must wear non-slip shoes, strapped or laced, as they will be skipping or running around the Maypole.

Please note we will provide seating around the perimeter but it is likely there will not be enough for all and you may need to stand.  You are welcome to bring your own folding chair if you choose.

We have decided to select a May King and Queen at random from children across Reception to Year 3 until such time we have all year groups.  The parents of the two successful children will be notified by the class teacher(s) on Friday of this week.

If your child is in Nursery, please indicate to Mr Margieson if you intend to bring them back into school to participate in the celebration.  If your child would like to take part, please return to school via the usual Nursery gate at 1:10pm.  Please note that Nursery will have their normal morning session and children will need collecting at 12 noon as usual.

We are very much looking forward to this event as are the children and do hope to see you there.

Yours sincerely,

Katie Towers                           Sian Ellison
Headteacher                           Acting Assistant Headteacher