Reception - Our Families and a Parachute Party
This week we learned about families, we discussed that they come in all shapes and sizes and some even have pets. We talked about who and how many people and pets we live with and used the opportunity to reinforce our counting and adding on knowledge.
We used our listening skills and followed directions working in unison to move our parachute high like a mountain and then calm and low like the sea. Turns were taken to go under the parachute using directions such as if you have a brother go under, if you have a dog etc.
At the end of our parachute session we took a pompom for each of our family members from home, we carefully placed all the 'families' on the parachute in front of us to create 'a parachute party'. Then we made all our families dance together by vigorously waving the parachute. It was a very fun exercise, and we giggled a lot. We hope the pompom representations of you had a lot of fun dancing at our parachute party!