Year 5 - Straw Rockets and Helicopters
This week Dragonflies have started their new English unit looking at how a biography is constructed. They reviewed the main “shapes” that can be used to decide what information we want to share with our readers. For this unit we are basing our whole class model text on Sir David Attenborough and have already found out some key dates and important moments in his life that we can use in our writing.
In maths, we have applied our addition and subtraction skills to multistep problems and have seen how using a bar model can help us “see” the maths behind the problems that we are tackling.
In science we have been carrying out investigations using helicopters and straw rockets to see the effect of mass and shape of the speed and distance that an object will move compared to the amount of air resistance generated.
We have looked at the impact of modern farming techniques in Topic and in PE we have turned our attention to a range of dribbling and passing skills required in the sport of football.