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Mr John Tippett
Chair - Foundation Governor
I have been a governor at Monksmoor Park CE Primary School for almost 4 years. As a Foundation Governor I have recently become Chair of Governors.
Mrs Marion Strange
Vice Chair - Foundation Governor
I am a retired primary school teacher with over twenty years of experience serving as a Governor in several different Church schools.
Dr Artwell Chimanga
Foundation Governor
It is a privilege to be one of the Foundation Governors at Monksmoor Park CE Primary School. As a father of two, I’m keen to support the school's team through the perspective of a parent.
Mr Samuel Shoyinka
Parent Governor
With a background in IT, mostly from financial institutions and a few educational sectors, I am delighted to support the team at Monksmoor Park CE Primary School in all required capacities as a Parent Governor.
Revd. Dawn Stokes
Foundation Governor
I’ve been involved at Monksmoor Park CE Primary School since the foundations of the building were laid when I was asked to be a member of the Governing Body, planning for the school to open.
Mrs Lynne Taylor
LA Governor
My lifelong professional interest in the education and care of children and young people led me to become a Governor of Monksmoor Park CE Primary School.
Mrs Katie Thurston
Foundation Governor
Mr Nigel Woodcock
Foundation Governor
I have spent many years as a Governor and Chair of Governors at different schools and previously have been a Trustee of a Multi-Academy Trust. I joined Monksmoor Park CE Primary School during lockdown in 2020.
Mr Steve Gatehouse
Staff Governor, KS2 Lead, Class Teacher, IT Lead
Mrs Katie Towers