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GLK Girls' Football Club - Years 2-5

This event will take place between 12:00pm and 1:00pm on 11/09/2023 and on Monday each week thereafter until 16/10/2023.

GLK Girls' Football Club

During previous football opportunities, we noted a number of girls decided to stop playing as they lacked confidence.  Building on the success of the Women’s World Cup and to enable these children to feel confident, we will be providing a girls’ only lunch club free of charge.

The lunch club is open to girls in Years 2-5 on Mondays.  There is a limit of 20 spaces available so booking is essential.  The club must be booked on ParentMail.  Bookings close 3 days in advance of the club.

The children will attend the club before having their lunch.  Please ensure your child brings suitable outdoor clothing and trainers/football boots to school on these days, including waterproofs if necessary.